Many founders I work with are terrified of the performance review process. I understand. While everyone's on the same page about the importance of feedback, spending the entire company's time getting this right (from the content of the reviews themselves to the meta-process around collecting and delivering them) feels like a heavy lift. And, the cost of getting it wrong is incredibly high–conversations around performance are emotional and therefore scary for everyone involved. There are trip wires everywhere–inexperienced managers, exposure to comp reviews, and the inevitable exposure of the fact that priorities and expectations for your dear, hard-working, employees may not have been as clear at the outset as they should have been. Beyond that, it's a really easy thing for employees to point to and say (probably through gritted teeth) "wow, we're really starting to act like a Big Company, huh?!"

You are not alone. But that doesn't mean you should avoid this critical process for your company. So, instead of thinking it as some corporate must-do, think of it as a vehicle for helping individual team members flourish. And, a way for your company to build its operational muscle and comfort with the right kind of process.

So with that, here are some ideas for your early lightweight review process:

And, a few other tips/thoughts: