High Pressure by John Twohig johntwohig 14750996318 EDIT

High Pressure by John Twohig johntwohig 14750996318 EDIT

Much of my work as a coach and teacher involves helping people improve their abilities to deliver feedback more effectively. It’s a critical skill, particularly for both leaders in flat organizations where giving orders is generally counter-productive and for anyone who needs to manage up or across by influencing their bosses or peers. And it’s a topic on which I’ve written extensively, not only in posts on this site [1] and for the Harvard Business Review [2], but also in the HBR Guide to Coaching Your Employees. [3]

But a recent exchange with my colleague and former Stanford student Anamaria Nino-Murcia [4] made me realize that I’ve been neglecting the other half of this equation: How to receive feedback more effectively.

First, we need to recognize that receiving feedback is inherently a stressful experience. As Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone of the Harvard Negotiation Project have written,

"Even when you know that [feedback is] essential to your development and you trust that the person delivering it wants you to succeed, it can activate psychological triggers. You might feel misjudged, ill-used, and sometimes threatened to your very core." [5]

And this is true even in feedback-friendly organizations, and it’s even worse in environments where feedback is infrequent and surprising.

As a species, we have developed a "threat response," a cascade of physiological, emotional, and cognitive events that occur when we perceive a conflict. We typically refer to this set of reactions as a fight, flight, or freeze response. Recent neuroscience research has shown that our brains and bodies can respond to certain interpersonal situations the same way we react to literal threats to our physical safety. Psychologists refer to these experiences as "social threats."

Executive coach David Rock conducted an extensive study of the relevant research and developed the SCARF model [6] to help identify interpersonal dynamics that are likely to trigger a social threat. What’s striking is how many of these dynamics are present in a typical feedback conversation:

These dynamics can trigger a social threat in every one of us. When we encounter people of higher status, when we experience uncertainty, when we feel less autonomy or freedom of choice, when we feel less connected to those around us, and when we believe that something is unfair we are more likely to experience a social threat. It’s no wonder that feedback can be so stressful!

With this context in mind, here are the keys to receiving feedback more effectively.

Reframe the experience: In the moment, you can use Rock’s SCARF model to better understand what’s happening, and employ your conscious awareness of those dynamics to diminish your sense of social threat. This is a long-established psychological technique derived from cognitive-behavioral therapy known as cognitive reappraisal or, more simply, reframing. Psychologists such as James Gross [7] and Rebecca Ray [8] of Stanford and Kevin Ochsner [9] of Columbia, among others, have shown that reframing can reduce stress levels and increase our abilities to manage negative emotions.

In the context of a feedback conversation, you should remind yourself of the following: