1. Start with: “Hey, this is going to be a difficult conversation. I want you to take a few seconds to prepare yourself. You are not going to enjoy this.” [wait 5-10 seconds] “Are you ready?”
  2. “I’m letting you go. Here’s why.”
  3. Now they’re feeling strong emotions. You want them to be able to release those emotions. “My guess is that you’re feeling a lot of anger, fear, sadness right now. Is that true and would you be willing to share with me what you’re feeling and thinking?”
  4. Actively listen, mirror back. Show you’re not trying to run away from the pain they’re leaving.
  5. Then, you help them get through it. Become their agent and help them get what they need elsewhere. “I’d like to schedule another hour tomorrow to dig in and help you figure out what you do next.”